Sunday, April 15, 2012

In Not So Sleepy Towns, With or Without Lagoons ~


What are we to think, of ignorance ...
We Indians, like anyone
Must defend from people so dumb.
Is it just plain belligerence,
Or a deeply sick intolerance
For all of us who are "other".
When they came, we called them brother,
Their plan: gold, land, and genocide
Too late, our ancestors recognized
The killers they later discovered.

Racial profiling and discrimination was so prevalent that in an excerpt from the Sleepy Lagoon Murder Trial, the director of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, E. Duran Ayres stated, in his testimony before the Grand Jury, "Mexican-Americans are genetically predisposed to violence because they are descended from Mayan Indians".   (The Court of Appeals Case, People v. Zamora, 1944)

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