Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Poem A Day for National Poetry Month - Poem 1

mujeres de maíz

somos mujeres de maíz
nacimos de semillas
de todos los colores
de lluvias de fuerte amor
de polen, color de sol
brotamos de nuestra tierra
madre roja, como la sangre,
tallos verde-amarillos
tiernas como toda vida
nueva y sin experiencia
somos mujeres de maíz
de raíces profundas
anclados a los ancestros
con zarcillos iluminados
nos transmitan las historias
y la misión de nuestra gente
de proteger la creación
porque somos solo una
pequeña parte de nuestro
gran universo estrellado

women of corn

we are women of corn
seeds born
of all colors
from rains that come
from strong love
from pollen, the color of sunshine
sprung from our land
our mother red as blood,
yellow-green stems
tender as all life
new and inexperienced
we are women of corn
anchored to the ancestors
from illuminated tendrils
they transmit stories
the mission of our people
to protect the creation
because we are only
but a small part of our
great starry universe

©Odilia Galván Rodríguez, 2010

note: this is a quick translation from
Spanish to English - needs editing...

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