Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Pat Gaines/Flickr Creative Commons

dedicated to the Cēmānāhuac Poet Laureate Francisco X. Alarcón

You, King of Hummingbirds
of Monarch butterflies
of bluest gulf waters
whose waves rise the height of skyskrapers
to kiss winking stars
in overcast skies
You, a lighthouse
that has always beckoned me
from that shadowy place
of deepest dark
of being lost in tumultuous waters
of self doubt and fear
You, who is always sure
of the magia
our ancestor’s tongues
the glyphs of invocation contained
in sounds of sunrise and sunset
their energy transferred to
our own words
to the sacred stones that sing
sealed by the feathers of mighty birds
or a simple snap of our fingers
You, man of heart and wisdom
there is no place you can go
that the wind does not whisper
your name
its secrets in your ear
the eternal spiral that links
your healing words
to our lips
that flower
in flor y canto


Copyright © December, 2015 Odilia Galván Rodríguez. All Rights Reserved.


Achcauhtli: Leader

Cēmānāhuac: the name used by the Aztecs to refer to their world. It is a Nahuatl 
name derived from the words "cē" one/whole and "Ānāhuac", which in turn derives 
from the words "atl" (water) and "nahuac."

IN LAK'ECH - HALA K'IN: Mayan for ~ I am you, and you are me.

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