Friday, April 24, 2009

Poem #24 - 30/30

Back in 1959

The year you passed on to the other side
No one thought to tell me, back in 1959
Hula hoops were dying that year
They weren't buried, yet

No one thought to tell me, back in 1959
Though sales were in a terrible slump
They weren't buried, yet
Little girls kept right on jumping rope and playing dolls

Though sales were in a terrible slump
Whamo was thinking on selling Wingdings next...
Little girls kept right on jumping rope and playing dolls
And neighborhood boys played with tops and shot marbles

Whamo was thinking on selling Wingdings next...
Or anything that would sell 100,000 in a season
And neighborhood boys played with tops and shot marbles
Hula hoops got abandoned on drive ways for no reason

Or anything thing that would sell 100,000 in a season
That was probably the beginning of selling useless things
Hula hoops got abandoned on drive ways for no reason
The year you passed on to the other side

© Odilia Galván Rodríguez, 2009

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