Tuesday, October 31, 2017

April Senryū 2017

April Senryū 2017 
for Spring blooms 
harmonica harp | digs into her chest pulls strings | with heart ripping sounds
beso tus ojos | pero no recuerdas | cuánto me deseas
heat wave in streets | poetry and music calls | inside we write our souls
you catch my spirit | in your lightbox with an eye | it will be free again
no more predictions | on the weather or demons | on how they'll behave | 
all protocols abandoned | who knows how madmen will rule
to feel nostalgia | for those lips that need so much | witchcraft in his smile
our universe built | on sacred geography | with secret knowledge
a moment in time | same as in a thousand years | uniquely sincere
today her soul fell back | into place with his voice | smiling at her
a rain of lightning | that came down in thick ropes | with thunder up ahead
how to rip your heart | out of that story so old | from my heart that bleeds
when yesterday calls | not wishing to relive pasts | she will not answer
it's best to be gone | the way we come in a spark | in an instant
bombs should never be | but aimed at those who love war | not at innocents
bella bebida | caída del cielo | zumo de estrellas
there are no words | for cowards who drop bombs | for those who love war
moving in circles | she avoids head-on moon-slides | planets hula-hoop | backward and no one cares | spoiled princesses cause wars
sprouting grass moon | full bloom possibilities | in rainclouds embrace
storms threaten | music's gotten her through many | how lucky she's been
shall I bury you | are you finally dead and gone | your ghost's everywhere
wants to heal the world | revolutionary love | with mad crazy love
bombs against people | to send a don’t bomb message | that they shouldn’t bomb
In Lak’ech | I’m in you-you're in me | there are no six degrees
Spring is budding new | though evil tries to destroy | life on our planet
writes pretty poems | because she needs beauty | the world is so f&#*ed
spiders sway from silk | swings in trees blooming Springtime | green shoots buds of life
when people you love | the ones you think you know | hide in the shadows
there are thirteen sides | to every story with rules | our lives come with maps
when he touches her | there's no one else in the room | saxophone lightning
the first day of April | came in sunny and dry | who's foolin' who

Copyright © 2017 Odilia Galván Rodríguez.  All Rights Reserved.